Endothelin ELISA Kit – 480 wells


The endothelin peptide family consists of three isoforms, ET-1 (corresponding to the initially isolated and most predominant isoform), ET-2, and ET-3. ET-1 is a 21 amino acid peptide and is one of the most potent vasoconstritors currently known. ET-2 displays similar pharmacology to ET-1, whereas ET-3 is a weak vasoconstrictor but more potent inhibitor of platelet aggregation. Cayman’s Endothelin Assay is an immunometric (i.e., sandwich) ELISA that permits endothelin measurements within the range of 7.8-250 pg/ml, typically with a limit of detection of 7.8 pg/ml. Inter- and intra-assay CV’s of less than 10% may be achieved at most concentrations. This assay offers sensitive and specific analysis of endothelin in serum, plasma, urine, or cell culture media.  


Available on backorder

SKU: 583151 - 480 wells Category:


The ET peptide family consists of three isoforms, ET-1 (corresponding to the initially isolated and most predominant isoform), ET-2, and ET-3. ET-1 is a 21 amino acid peptide and is one of the most potent vasoconstrictors currently known. ET-2 displays similar pharmacology to ET-1, whereas ET-3 is a weak vasoconstrictor but more potent inhibitor of platelet aggregation. Cayman’s ET Assay offers sensitive and specific analysis of ET in serum, plasma, urine, or cell culture media.


Formal name:

Synonyms:  ET EIA Kit






Origin: Animal/Eel|Animal/Mouse|Animal/Bovine

Application|ELISA||Product Type|Assay Kits|ELISA||Research Area|Cardiovascular System|Blood|Coagulation & Hemostasis||Research Area|Cardiovascular System|Vasculature|Vasoconstriction||Research Area|Cardiovascular System|Vasculature|Vasodilation||Research Area|Endocrinology & Metabolism|Hormones & Receptors